They had$ 96,000 in their escrow account 他们的第三方保管账户中有96,000美元。
This Escrow Account Agreement expires if money is credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June. 如果在6月30日之前有钱被存入第三方托管账户,该第三方托管账户协议即告截止。
However, you probably should put your rent into an "escrow" account. 但是,你也许应该将房租向银行提存。
Oil supplies from rebel-held areas should be exempted, while payments for Libyan oil should be placed into a UN escrow account, and distributed for humanitarian purposes. 来自叛军占领区的石油供给应得到豁免,而对利比亚石油的付款应存入联合国的一个托管账户,并用于人道主义事业。
Under the terms of the preliminary deal, BP will pay$ 20bn into an escrow account over the course of several years. 根据初步协议的条款,英国石油将在数年时间里陆续把200亿美元打入一个托管账户。
After that was rejected, officials proposed using an escrow account, which would ensure that the eurozone can withhold funds to Greece at any time without triggering a default. 在遭到拒绝之后,有官员提议使用第三方托管账户,以确保欧元区能够在任何时候停止向希腊发放资金,而不会引发违约。
Any proceeds from ( non-mandatory, non-distressed) future sales of state-owned assets would go into an escrow account held by esdra as collateral for the loans. 未来一切(非强制性、非折价)出售国有资产的所得款项,都将作为上述贷款的抵押品进入esdra持有的托管账户。
The escrow account will be temporary, however, and Athens has agreed to change its constitution to make debt repayment the top priority in government spending. 不过,这个托管账户将是临时性的,而且希腊政府已同意通过修宪将债务偿付列为财政最优先支出的项目。
Banks now have to put money into an escrow account instead of lending directly to developers. 银行现在必须将资金存在托管账户中,而不能直接向开发商贷款。